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2100 prospective project
Team : Antonino Lo Re, Clément Gallois, Jacques Kournwsky
Today, personal mobility has resulted in use of vehicles formatted, with more or less ability to evolve in places types.
This does not reflect the desires, needs, moods, personality of the user.This theme proposes to refocus the concept of user and its use, the way to get around, and make his own vehicle to himself,
so that it matches the operating environment (place of use, type of use, and user).The aim is therefore to provide answers to many evolutionary and adaptable, focusing on the moods, attitudes, lifestyles,
materials, technology, functionality to design a new User mobility and symbiosis.
- Remove the mechanical aspect in favor of the humanization of the vehicle
- Remove the idea of adapting to the user’s vehicle, but rather to adapt the vehicle according to the usage environment.
- Vehicle mirror / reflection, everyday object
- Product-oriented approach the user moves.